Sunday, December 26, 2010

A new addition - "The Black Hills"

On the right side of the page, under the "Other Writings" section is a new addition called "The Black Hills."  Dad (Philbert) wrote this about 1963 - 1965.  Most of this information is from his memory.  For other of his writings, he'd go up to the college library in Logan and check out books,  he'd come home to read, research and check the facts. Then he would write the manuscript in longhand and Mother would type it for him.  Basically, it is the story of the schools in the Junction Valley (including Lynn) and stories of the early settlers.  I typed the book into the computer and then we added some photos of the people and places that are mentioned in the book.  I hope you read and enjoy it.  You can also read a copy by clicking here.

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