Thursday, June 20, 2013

An Answer To Prayer

(R-L): Grouse Creek Jack, Jenny (his wife), and their granddaughter
When I was about eight years old, Indian Jack and some other Indians came from Fort Hall, Idaho.  They were trading moccasins or gloves for deer skins.  We had some deerskins hanging over the beams in the shop.  Daddy traded for a beautiful pair of beaded gloves.  They were almost white, with beaded cuffs, that went about half way to my elbow.  I was super happy and proud to have such a beautiful treasure.  I was told that I should never wear them while riding the horse as the reins would get my gloves dirty.  I don’t remember if any other gloves were traded for at that time.  All I remember are the gloves that I received.

One day, I saddled up Eagle, our grey saddle horse.  I knew I wouldn’t be gone long, so I took my gloves to wear.  I hadn’t gone far, when I noticed that the reins were getting my gloves dirty.  I took my gloves off and put them in my hind pocket.  I kept feeling to make sure the gloves were there, but when I was about a mile from home, I felt and the gloves were gone, my heart sank, I was sick.  I turned Eagle around and rode back over the same trail, looking for my gloves.  When I got to where I had put them in my pocket, I had still found no trace of them.  I retraced my trail again and still no gloves were to be found.  I was really sick and frightened and didn’t know what to do.

I decided that if I was going to find my gloves, I was going to need to get some extra help.  I had been taught and had seen prayers answered before.  I got off my horse and knelt down by a service berry bush.  I pleaded to Heavenly Father with all the fervor I had, promising all the things I could think of, to please help me find my gloves.  I got on my horse and had ridden only a short distance, when I found my gloves laying right in the middle of the trail. 

There was no doubt in my mind that God answers prayers, He had answered mine, He has answered prayers for me many times since.

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